Wednesday, November 18, 2009

No, I don't think mammals should be kept in captivity.
Livivg in confinement is unhealthy and limited.
They don't have very much freedome to swim around, or dive as deep in the water as they can in the wild.
It is dangerous many mammals get killed in the capturing process.
They dont grow up with thier families.
They think it's normal to do tricks.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My response to Rihanna's interview:
I think that she made the right choice leaving him.
In going back with him she lets everyone know she's human just like everyone else everyone makes mistakes.
But she sets the example that its going to take courage to leave someone you really care for.
She is showing teens that you have to put yourself and your well being before any guy.
You cant truly love anyone untill you learn to love yourself.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

For my first academic goal I want to earn more credits in connies class.
I will do this by Paying more attention in her class.
For my second academic goal I want to finish the ninth grade already.
I will do this by By earning all my credits, not getting distracted so easily.
For my social goal I want to get to school on time.
I will do this by actually waking up the first time my alarm goes off instead of the third or fourth.